miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014


Britain's Tim Berners-Lee gave to his boss 25 years ago a brief report in which it proposed a system to improve the management of information within the European Center for Particle Physics

In computers, the World Wide Web (WWW) or global computer network commonly known as the Web, is a distribution system or interconnected hypertext documents accessed via the Internet and hypermedia.
In the May 1970 a Popular Science magazine, Arthur C. Clarke predicted that oneday satellites "will carry the accumulated knowledge of world in his hands" with a console that combines the functionality of the copier, telephone, television and small computer, allowing data transfer and video conferencing around the world.

Berners-Lee soon became a activist for the freedom of information in the network since 2009 and directs the World Wide Web Foundation, an organization whose goal is to "support programs to enhance the web as a medium for positive change for humanity" 


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